Guinep | Ocean Mineral Cocktail
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Ocean Mineral Cocktail
- Vegan
- Gluten Free
- Non-GMO
- Zero Calories
- No Artificial Flavors
- Zero Proof
Guinep is the go-to non-alc cocktail for modern drinkers with cool stuff to do in the morning. Instead of booze, it's made with sustainably harvested Deep Ocean Minerals that ease stress, aid in cellular function, and elevate mood. It's Infused with the essence of the Caribbean Guinep fruit for a complex, aromatic, and crave-able flavor.
It has zero sugar, calories, carbs, or anything artificial so you can enjoy the night AND look forward to the morning. Think of it like the sexier, classier, tastier, NA version of Wh*teclaw ;-)
Guinep | Ocean Mineral Cocktail
Ocean Mineral Cocktail
- Vegan
- Gluten Free
- Non-GMO
- Zero Calories
- No Artificial Flavors
- Zero Proof
Guinep is the go-to non-alc cocktail for modern drinkers with cool stuff to do in the morning. Instead of booze, it's made with sustainably harvested Deep Ocean Minerals that ease stress, aid in cellular function, and elevate mood. It's Infused with the essence of the Caribbean Guinep fruit for a complex, aromatic, and crave-able flavor.
It has zero sugar, calories, carbs, or anything artificial so you can enjoy the night AND look forward to the morning. Think of it like the sexier, classier, tastier, NA version of Wh*teclaw ;-)